Silver Lake
A mountain river flows into a large, stunning lake. The waters reflect silver in the day and under moonlight. A plain of gentle hills and forests surround the lake. Herds of elk are native here.
Down by the Water [Duskorna]
OOC Date: 09-09-2024, 10:04 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/01/2024  in  Silver Lake  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Average 28"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3
Loch was bathing beneath the sun, sprawled on a large rock sticking out of the lake's water. He was lost in thought, pondering the complexities of life on land.  He had known living here would be a significant change for him.  He was prepared to face the challenges ahead of him, but still, he couldn’t help longing inside that called out for saltwater. He was so far from it now. The lake that helped him feel slightly more comfortable, but it was so small compared to the sea. At least he wasn’t alone.

He wasn’t sure if he could fully trust these land-dwellers yet, but  Duskorna had offered him a place to stay. He’d prefer to be a part of a group rather than traveling alone. His cold exterior made him appear very anti-social on the surface, but he longed for a group to call his own. This kingdom seemed promising enough to stick around. He couldn’t predict the future, and he was already here. He had already given his word to this place. He might as well keep it.

A howl soon alerted him to a meeting nearby, snapping him out of his thoughts.  He supposed there was no harm in getting to know the others who called this kingdom home. It might even be beneficial.

The aquatic canine would dive off the rock, allowing the calm waters to flow through his fur. When he got closer to the shallows, he’d stick his head up above the water, gaze focusing in on the gathering of creatures on the beach.  They were so strange looking to him. No fins. There were the typical wolves you’d expect to see, but also some with scales or wings. It made him almost envious. His large fins looked like wings, but they sure as hell couldn’t get him off the ground. If anything, they just got in the way when he was out of the water.

He’d sink a little bit lower into the lake. He had strengths, too, though.  He’d hardly think bird-wolf could swim, but it naturally came to him. Perhaps he should show a bit of his own strengths. After all, they offered him a place to stay - the least he could do was make himself useful.  Dipping back below the water, Loch would spot a small school of trout. He’d dash towards them at full speed, his large fins swiftly maneuvering him through the water, hoping to catch one in his jaws. It would be a small offering, but at least it was something, and he wasn't showing up empty-pawed. 

(Agility dice to see if he successfully catches the fish)