Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-09-2024, 02:40 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

Caedwyn's tail gave a wag when Enya pulled him into an embrace and he pushed his head into the fur of her neck, allowing her to pull him in close. His body calmed and stilled when she moved away. She seemed to have an interesting expression on her face but before Caedwyn would dwell on it, she had jolted her body the other way and snatched up the rope tied to their lamb-offering. The poor thing must have been making a break for it, but Enya had been too quick to allow it to escape. He smiled, a little devilishly, watching her pull it along behind her and hear the desperate bleating as it had no choice but to follow along. She could have been pulling a full grown stag and it would have made no difference, in his opinion. The woman was iron-willed and her skills in combat were un-matched. It was a little amusing watching her pull such a pitiful little creature, but there was also something nice about it. The way the lamb trotted along after her with little defiance other than its bleating. It was like a symbol of her overwhelming power.

"Tsillah, our Goddess who tests our strength of Will, we give you this offering spread before you” Enya had began their ceremony. At last it was time. "Let’s bleed it for her. Will you do the honor?” His eyes moved away from the lamb, which he'd been studying, over to her eyes and he took in the deep aqua of her gaze. His smile widened into a toothy grin as he tried to contain the somewhat-unhinged joy that washed over him when she asked him to make the sacrifice. Still smiling, he nodded and took a step closer, moving around to the side of Enya - but only just enough to pass her to get to the lamb. His body brushed against hers slightly as he passed, his eyes still locked onto her face until he had moved completely behind her. Only then did his gaze break away and look down to the lamb.

He could hear its breathing and the little stamping of its soft hooves as it shifted its weight against the lead-rope. He could hear the thumping of his own heart and the heaviness of his own breath, and he imagined the taste of its blood and the sound it would make when he felled it. He paused momentarily, drawing out the moment. "Tsillah," he finally spoke, still looking at the lamb. "... we send you this offering." He leaned in closer. He would make the offering to Her... and... to her. In a blur of movement, he had grabbed the lamb by the throat, sinking his teeth deep into its flesh and veins. Only a half-bleat escaped it before Caedwyn clamped down. Soft gurgles of pain escaped but quickly subsided. He held it still, using his strength to keep the lamb from thrashing about. The blood from its throat gushed out around Caedwyn's jaws, trickling down his maw and neck until finally all struggle from the lamb stopped.

He lifted his head to look up at the moon overhead, carrying the lamb with him, allowing its blood to drip freely into a pool below. He was presenting it for their goddess to see... and for her. After a few seconds, he lowered his head back down and turned his body more toward Enya. Still holding the lamb, he nodded his head with a gesture of offering so that she too could partake if she chose.


ooc. Caedwyn is a simp.
