A Mysterious Place
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 01:45 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 02/03/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

The last she remembered, she had been asleep, snoozing soundly as winter's grip on the lands maintained their hold. After the falling out with the King, she’d left the lands of the Clan with her son, Ridley, and her familiar, Buck, and the trio roamed wild and free. She tried to find a portal out, a way to return to the world she knew, loved, and missed, but each search proved to be futile.

Until she awoke one day and realized that her companions were not beside her, and she was not in the cave they’d found and made into a temporary home. A normal wolf, or any creature really, might have freaked out at the realization as she came to it. Enya, however, only sighed and hung her head after she had sniffed around for scent tracks from her family. They were gone. Again. She’d wrangled together some sort of family and just like that, Tsillah threw a curve ball into her life. Was she really the Goddess of Death, or was she the Goddess of Tricks? Enya was starting to think the latter and despite the pain of the realization, she laughed out loud.

Unlike the times before when Enya was suddenly thrown into an unfamiliar world and situation, she remained calm and collected and started the mental process of creating a checklist of requirements for herself for survival. Food. Shelter. Scouting the lands and looking for signs of civilization. She’d been thrown into this scenario so many times now that it almost felt normal for the Viper. She chuckled again at this thought. What a strange situation to grow accustomed to.

Days turned into weeks as she searched for Ridley and Buck, knowing with her heart that they were here with her somewhere. Buck she could sense, but not in enough of a way to be able to pinpoint a direction. Bound to him by her soul, she always had a sense of knowing. The closer he was, the stronger it was. The further they were, the fainter it was. But, no matter how faint, she could still sense him. Wherever she went, he was forced to be there with her. Ridley, she felt hope in her heart. He’d followed her through the previous world jumping, and the one before that. Somehow he’d remained with her. So, if he was here, she’d do her best to find him. It was the least she could do, protect the one piece of family she had left.

Today was no different than any of the previous ones. She searched. She had found neither of her companions yet and felt the creeping feeling of dread encroaching. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she had misunderstood her bond with Buck. Maybe Ridley had been left behind in the old world. After all, she still could not recall what had happened to cause her to end up here. Strangers were unhelpful. Besides, it would be dangerous for Buck to try to interact with other wolves. To them, he would just be prey.

Enya found herself wandering the tree line of the fields. With winter settling over the lands, she assumed that Buck would retreat to the forest. However, that inner tie she felt to him pulled her towards the fields. It was still faint, but at least she’d pinpointed a direction with all of her traveling.

“Well, at least it’s a beautiful day” Enya commented as she looked out over the field, taking in the scent of dried grasses on the breeze. Once upon a time she would have dreaded this time of year. Now? She lived for it. She hoped soon enough a good winter storm would coat the region in snow.

With energy in her step, Enya leaped out from the tree line into the tall grasses, giggling as she bounced up and down. She bounded almost like a deer as she played in the tall grass feeling free and full of spirit. She had a mission and she has responsibilities, but she also had learned to let herself relax and play. So, play she did as she frolicked, her bounding turning into more of a sprinting run in a large circle. She giggled and giggled as she made her own wish come true. From the cold air formed snowflakes, gently drifting around her area. Enya came to a stop and stood up on hind legs to snap her jaws at the snowflakes. Panting hard, she fell back down into a sit still letting the snow fall down upon her. Tiny flakes gathered on her guard hairs. Her eyes closed. It had been a long time since she’d felt free, and she was going to make the most of her situation.
