Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-03-2024, 11:58 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

”No, there was nothing in there for you, not in this one.” Her words said no, but her face seemed to say yes. She seemed to be grinning a little and he stood by, curiously suspicious of her. ”Uh huh…” he said, his eyes watching her carefully. His ears flicked forward with anticipation as her lips turned to a grin and she pranced over to him. She held something out toward him and he peered closer with eagerness. A pair of gold earrings. The metal was an intricate work, attached to a smooth, greenish-blue scale. It was the same color as Enya’s scales. It was Enya’s scale! ”Now you’ll always have me with you.” Caedwyn was unsure how to react at first. His tail was wagging, giving his emotions away. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been given a gift, much less by someone he cared for such as this. ”I hope you like it...”

Her voice had lowered. It was softer. Almost a whisper. It was a tone he hadn’t heard from her. Finally finding his words, he let a confident smile come to his maw before stepping in closer to her. He pushed his neck against hers in a quick embrace. ”It’s perfect.” he said before dipping his head down and tilting to the side to offer her his ear. Luckily his ear on that side was already pierced on that side or there might have been some blood offered to Tsillah a little earlier than planned. After allowing a moment for her to place the earrings (if she chose to), he lifted his head, his eyes looking to find hers. ”Perfect like you.” he said softly.

The sun had dimmed, disappearing below the horizon; and without him even realizing, the stars had risen above them in the sky. A soft blue glow outlined her form under the moon and starlight. The scales on her face caught the light just right, twinkling. It was perfect. He stood quietly admiring her, soaking in the moment.

The only thing that wasn’t perfect was those damned candles. The thought intruded his mind quite abruptly. Those fucking candles. It pissed him off. He’d somehow forgot to bring matches (or some other lighting device) to set off the candles. As beautiful as the moonlight was, he was endlessly irritated by the fact he forgot! As the anger rose in him, suddenly bubbling up, suddenly a warm light flickered off to the side of him. His head snapped over to look at it.

A candle had ignited on its own. What the fuck? A puzzled look came to his face. ”Did you just see that?” he asked, a bit startled. A singular candle rested, standing where he had placed it earlier next to the altar. Its wick was lit, clearly ablaze and flickering a little with the passing breeze. Its gold light burned bright against the dark of the night around it. ”The candle… it’s lit.”

