[P] Coincidence
OOC Date: 11-05-2023, 06:19 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/26/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Teen Athletic 33"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 4 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 3 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

  The passage through the honeycomb tunnels was beautiful. It felt like stepping into some kind of lost world from before. Enya's scales seemed to collect what little light was available, and then reflect the same light, scattering it around the walls and floor in a dazzling little speckles. It was very faint, but if one focused they could see it. "Lazarus ran away from anything he felt too much..affection for," Malachi retorted, annoyance flavoring his words. Because no matter how much he had shown Lazarus soft, loving emotions, it never seemed to be reciprocated. At least, not that he ever truly noticed. Perhaps the only time he witnessed the gravity of his father's feelings were in his final moments.

Enya's words made Malachi tilt his head. His double colored eyes of green and yellow regarded her disgust and shock curiously. Emotion always made Malachi curious as he never fully understood it. Probably because he had yet to really express much emotion.

Malachi stumbled over his steps, backing up and sitting down when he realized Enya had paused. "We were..sins..a bad omen, born from abomination. According to their standards. " his tone was very matter-of-fact and otherwise bland.

He waited patiently, watching as she seemed to process or ponder over the information. When Enya continued walking down the path, Malachi would follow. "You have children too? How many?" perhaps they were closer to his age?

Enya spoke up again, drawing Malachi from his thoughts. He nodded in agreement to her comment. Lazarus did at the very least, make him stronger.  She spoke of being a Queen, and Malachi having her favor. He gave a small grin. "the odds seem to be in my favor then..I would be a fool to turn down such a kind offer." He paused after a moment, "So..What kind of kingdom is it, that you rule? Does it know Tsillah?" he was curious.

"Any role you think would be suitable for me, I can only try my best to uphold." He had never had any formal experience with packs or kingdoms for that matter.


