[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 09:33 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

The wolf seemed oddly shocked at the mention of said acquaintance being the queen. Were they that unfamiliar with the idea of leadership? He supposed, she probably wouldn’t remember anyway - so Eon nodded along.  He paused as she questioned how he knew her. As much as he didn’t want to talk about his past - it would be rude not to answer, He took a breath in preparing what he was about to say. s.

“I come from another continent… actually, almost feels like it was a whole other world, strangely enough… but that wouldn’t make much sense.” he paused, it had been a bit since he really thought about that place - only briefly mentioning it with Enya, but both of them seemed just as eager as the next to forget all about it.

“It was called Kalonia, it was ruled by four packs, I was in Athadia, actually led them briefly, but there was also Volgra, Barioth, and a pack of pirates called Casfura. All four packs had a long history, with alliances and enemies being formed. There were periods of peace, and there were periods of war. I don’t know much about Enya's story - I know she was a part of Volgra at one point, but when I met her she had left. I had found her back then nearly starving to death and caught her some food. Funny how the roles were practically reversed when I met her again here on the shore. I was nearly dead myself - she has some sort of magic that was able to heal me.”

He spoke, realizing now he was starting to ramble a bit. It was a habit of his. He hoped that for all it was worth, it would at least answer Reed's questions about how he knew Enya, the queen, and who he actually was. If he was being completely honest with himself - he didn’t really know who he was. Not anymore, anyway. 

“Anyway it's nice to meet you - Reed Blackpaw” he’d say in a friendly tone. He just hoped he wouldn’t be asked more questions about his past and that the conversation would move in a different direction from here. He tried to wrap his brain for more things to talk about - but his brain was strangely silent. Normally there was a bunch of thoughts buzzing around - but now, it was silent and he felt strangely numb.