Hello Tutorial
OOC Date: 10-10-2023, 05:03 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/14/2023  in  Blue Oasis  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Skinny 19"
Trade (untasked)
Health3 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 5 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Get away. As fast as possible. Hide. Don’t think. Just run and hide. The words repeated in her head almost like a mantra, albeit a terrified one. She bobbed and weaved between larger rocks and plants with a clumsy yet practiced sprint. Running kept her safe. Hiding kept her alive. The question she should have been asking herself was how could she hide when covered in her own piss? A smarter, less panicked wolf would have thought about that. Unfortunately for Braith, that thought didn’t even cross her mind.

When the clone sprinted far enough from her own view, screaming and panicking just as she herself was, it simply vanished into thin air, like how a gust of wind would push a small cloud of smoke into nothingness. The last, panicked whimpers of fear from the clone vanished in that path like the end of an echo. It wasn’t like Braith herself knew this, though. Braith, in all of her humble naivety, would likely look back at all of this and think the giant created the clone from her. She had no powers, (at least, she never knew she did) so what was she supposed to think when a duplicate of herself popped out of her chest where the giant’s paw had been pushing on her?!

The knot of fear in her throat tightened as she tried to pick up her pace to get anywhere she could that wasn’t where the stranger was and, after a short amount of time, no more vocal whimpers could be heard. Her focus was on just running and hiding. What she didn’t expect, however, was the area she was running into didn’t just have plants and rocks to avoid, it also had entrances to some underground dens and tunnels of smaller creatures that called the oasis home. She saw the shrubs up ahead that seemed like the perfect hiding spot and that was all that kept repeating in her mind. Run and hide. Hide, then run some more.

Walk  "Speak"  Magic

success - manages to stumble through the little hedgehog den holes just skillfully enough to not fall flat on her face and continue running into the a clump of shrubs to hide in
fail - somehow, manages to get her front left paw stuck in one of these holes and, in the least graceful way possible, falls all over herself and scrambles to try and get her paw un-stuck

take special into account only if dodge is successful

success - manages to hide herself from view (but still can be smelled, obviously. She smells like prickly pear and pee. Hard to get rid of that)
fail - only manages to start hiding in that spot by the time Ridley catches up