Loose Rocks
OOC Date: 10-06-2023, 01:54 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/24/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 40"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

He listened to the male, of course, he was no stranger to danger, and he relished in it. Only when he mentioned a female did his head tilt inquisitively, she had this power the other sought. "Power? She can duplicate herself, hmmmmm. No I haven't seen her, however I wouldn't mind tagging along to help. Who knows maybe two more pairs of eyes could make it easier to capture her." He was offering himself to aid him, this male, he felt a kindred sense towards. Something about him screamed power, or that he was one to help aid him in gaining it himself. A twisted smile spread across his jaws, yes this male just might help him. Far so than that dolt of a creature he encountered weeks ago, yes this male will do. 

"If you will allow it that is." His words would be his pact, he hoped this male would help him in gaining his vision for this land. It to burn and be tormented, he felt the heat in his body roll through. Who knows maybe this female could be of use to both of them, rarely did he bow but he felt this male would.... not appreciate it but seek it. He would only bow to those who wish to kill, this male he didn't plan on killing. Not unless he wished for a battle to the death, standing tall he parted his jaws. "My name is Naervon." The deep timbre of his voice would send chills down the male's spine, his voice promised death and destruction lies and false promises. The prosperity to rule, to show the wolves and other creatures of this land that they would be the ones to bring it to its knees. 

Pads pressed into the ground, the scent of burning earth soon would meet their nostrils. He was burning his "promise" into the ground, subtly lifting his paw all the other had to do was look down and see the burned print of a paw and claws. Naervon wouldn't show the male the true extent of his powers, no that would be for him to do when the time was right.
