[AW] Harvest Moon
OOC Date: 10-03-2023, 12:48 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/19/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 40"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

When her brother came to her side to assist her, she quickly handed him some things to hold up while she bent to the side and set the poles beneath the tent, sitting the wood proper into the ground. As she spoke, she motioned Wroth around, pointing towards two barrels and a large plank of wood - a makeshift table for the tent. "Thanks. I hope we have some visitors. It doesn't matter how much we prepare if no one shows up to this. I know it's early but... I'm nervous that no one will show up." With the table in position beneath the first tent, Sage went to work digging out her trinkets and jewels and flower arrangements and organized them all nice and neat upon the surface. "Ok, tent number tw-" Sage was cut off as she heard a stranger call out nearby. 

"Hello, is anyone there?" Sage's sparkling eyes quickly searched around the area, looking for the source of the sound. She peeked up from around her stall and her belongings and saw a spotted canid standing in the clearing. It took all of Sage's power to stop herself from squealing with delight. Instead she smiled a giddy smile, her long tail thumping eagerly at the tip with excitement. Wait. Composure. She had to compose herself! With a soft clearing of her throat, Sage looked kindly to her brother. She wanted to give him an out in case he felt wasn't quite comfortable sparking up conversation with her and a random stranger. Managing a calmness in her tone, "Brother, seems we have our first visitor." Her smile grew exceptionally wide at the words 'first visitor'. "I'll go greet them. You're welcome to join me! Or, if you'd rather, you can watch the stall." She lingered just long enough to hear her brother's response before stepping calmly towards the stranger. 

"Welcome! Hello! Yes, we're here! I'm so glad you could make it! Please, come closer. Take a look at our booths." Sage looked at the stranger to see if he had any bags. She noticed the necklace that hung beautifully around his neck. "Oh! What a lovely necklace! I'm an artisan myself and dabble in jewelry crafting. Perhaps you'd like to take a look at my wares? No pressure, of course! If you'd rather, perhaps just some socializing will do for ya. What's your name, anyways? My name is Sage Valor. I'm here with my brother. We're hosting this event!" It suddenly dawned on Sage that she was rambling and perhaps the stranger might not like that very much. "Oh I'm so sorry. I get carried away sometimes." She took a step backwards, then, to give the stranger some space to breathe. She was, after all, quite a bit taller than him, and a fair bit bulkier, what with her brawny smithing muscles and large wings. 

As if the moment couldn't get any better, a familiar sound struck Sage. She turned eagerly towards the sound to see Eon approaching, bottles at the ready. Not much of a drinker herself, she forwent the offered beverage with a polite smile and wave. "Eon! By the winds, it's you! I didn't think I'd see anyone else from home! Oh!" She had so many questions, but with the stranger here, she was reluctant to spill her personal business out in the open for everyone to hear. "We must catch up! Oh, thank you for coming! You two have both made my day!" She smiled warmly at the stranger once more. At Eon's question, Sage gestured towards her booth. "If it's free for everyone, feel free to place it on that table there. Or, you're welcome to set up a booth yourself! I'll be glad to help you. If you made this stuff, you should represent yourself!"