Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-29-2023, 12:44 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya giggled at Caedwyn as he teased her, making a face at the thought of drinking her wine. She watched curiously as he dared to take the first drink, wondering if this one would taste better or worse than the prior. She remembered seeing bunches of round berries on the caskets in Casfura, and figured if she was going to make wine, she mind as well do it right. Luck was in her favor and she had spotted some ripened grapes, gathered and smushed them, and soaked them with sugar cane she had found. If nothing else, she hoped at least this version would be sweet. Caedwyn tilted his head back with the cup in his mouth and gulped down the pink liquid. She waited... waited... and his face didn't contort into one of pure disgust. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the wine as he licked his chops. That was all she needed to see. Enya lowered her own muzzle, gripped the cup and tossed her head backwards, swallowing down the liquid in her own quick gulps. She dropped the cup down on the ground, using her paw to ensure it sat upright for a refill, and licked her own chops with pleasure. It wasn't half bad! She readjusted Caedwyn's cup the same and topped off each one once more, downing her second cup immediately after. 

Caedwyn turned to eye her bags and she playfully moved to put herself between him and them. There wasn't anything secretive within, but that didn't mean she wouldn't pretend like their was. He dropped the idea of going through her bag quickly enough and instead offered his own up for exploration. He dug around and Enya leaned forward, her eyes flirting between the bottle of wine and what he was pulling out. She wanted a third cup already. Did she dare? She could hold her own well enough... right? 'I should save it for the sacrifice' she told herself, trying to convince herself not to down more of the bottle. She steadied her gaze on Caedwyn as she saw what she thought was a jar. And yet he continued to rummage, digging around until he pulled out what looked to be a bowl. Enya's first thought was, of course, food

Caedwyn pulled the stopper from the jar and Enya snorted at herself in amusement. He tilted the jar and out came something silver and shimmering. Certainly not food. As he dipped his paw down into the substance, Enya figured out what it was. He marked his face and she watched as it shimmered in stark contrast against his dark fur, painted. "They wouldn't be the only things shining tonight. My scales, I'm sure, will catch the moonlight well enough." She grinned at Caedwyn, before answering his question, "But I'll be more than happy to let you make me even more beautiful"

But, before he could start, she turned back to her bags and untied the roll across the back. Her armor tumbled free and she with practiced speed slipped into the pieces, pulling at leather straps where necessary. The bones of her armor had been scrubbed clean. Some of the bones were broken and had to be resecured - proof of her success as a warrior, but most seemed to still be in good condition - skulls included. Enya shook, her armor rattling, to settle the pieces against her body, then returned to Caedwyn and presented herself for him to paint where he deemed necessary. "I wanted to dress for the part." she quickly explained. 
