Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 09-28-2023, 01:18 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

Shared Account

Buck struggled back to his hooves only to be taken off of them once more as the larger wolf flung himself at Buck's head. He wasn't fast enough to dodge the oncoming attack and he felt a sharp pressure and weight against his head and neck as his antler stubs were grabbed and used against him. He crashed down hard on the ground once more, the wind knocked out of him for a second time in the fight. What was wrong with these fucking wolves? Why wouldn't they attack him and end him already? Why wouldn't they just let it happen so the bitch died with him? Buck grunted and huffed, snorting a dust cloud of soil as he heaved to regain his breath. He tried to twist his head, to heave himself back over so he could clamber back to his hooves once more, but that fucking wolf was still there, holding him immobile.

Anger coursed through Buck and he went from yanking against Caedwyn to wild flailing, desperation filling him simultaneously. His front legs kicked and he thrashed his body, attempting to rip himself free from the wolf's grasp. He had closed his eyes, panting and grunting and realizing that perhaps he had made a mistake. Perhaps he should have ran.

'No' he told himself, "This can't be it!" he grunted out loud at the wolves, renewing his thrashing that had sagged briefly. He was quickly becoming exhausted. Then he felt it. Buck felt jaws close around the underside of his neck. He thrashed and as he did so, he felt the female wolf's teeth pierce flesh, pinching him painfully. Buck's thrashing ceased and he swallowed hard, huffing and puffing as he laid defeated with his throat in the wolf's neck.

"Do it." he grunted, his eyes rolling to try and catch the female within his vision. "Do it. End this god forsaken curse" He tried to lift his head, aimed a kick to strike at his wolf, and felt the teeth prick his skin deeper. Through her grip, he felt a snarl gurgle past her, speaking words he couldn't comprehend, yet he understood. 'Enough!' The large red stag sagged, his thrashing ceasing. As much as he wanted to give up, to force his wolf to die alongside him, he couldn't do it. The fear inside him made him freeze, instincts stronger than his own personal desires.

"Just let me go" Buck groaned towards the wolves, his sound lacking energy or enthusiasm. It was almost pitiful, the sound that came from the defeated prey. He saw his wolf turn her gaze from Buck to the male and nod. He felt the grip around his neck loosen and before either of them could regret their choice - should they both loosen their grip on him - he tried to stand to flee.

Buck: 4/5
Dodge: Attempts to get to his hooves and flee
Success: Stands and gets the hell out of dodge bolting into the woods with deer bounds
Failure: Attempts to stand but is too exhausted and falls back down.
