[AW] Harvest Moon
OOC Date: 09-28-2023, 01:15 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/19/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

A raven had once again managed to find Eon. At first, Eon welcomed the raven with great interest. Another message from the king no doubt? As he received the message, however, he was swiftly corrected. It wasn’t a message from the king… nor the queen for that matter.  This was something entirely different - something more familiar. The familiarity of it all made his stomach turn… a harvest moon festival? Like Athadia used to have?... it couldn't be.

During his time in the realm, Eon encountered several individuals he recognized from his past. He was thankful, up to this point, none were from his old pack. However, curiosity had got the better of him once again, and as he approached where the festivities were meant to be - his suspicions were correct. He’d stop a little distance from the festival - smelling the air and the familiar scents. He recognized one… no, two. Both Valors.  Lugged over his shoulder was a bag with several bottles of alcoholic beverages - one of them was already half empty. The substance was the only thing that had given him the courage to get this far - and it was apparent the rest of it would be the fuel he needed to finish this venture.

The ocean had delivered him directly to where he needed to be, and the encounter he had with Enya confirmed that all the more.  Still, he wanted to escape his past in Kalonia. Thats was why he had come here in the first place.  These familiar faces who kept showing up weren’t helping his cause,, nor were they helping him forget. The fact he was never who he thought he was, the fact he was an imposter... It swirled in the back of his mind like a never-ending cyclone - slowly eating away at his sanity. Perhaps he had finally lost it...  It nipped at his mind like a  swarm of pests, and yet the alcohol had already numbed him enough that he didn’t feel the emotions that came with it. Instead, he braced for the encounter, one he knew would be a little awkward at best.  Still, the small canid entered the scene with surprising confidence in his step.  As he caught a glance of the familiar faces, he’d flash them a quick smile.... what were their names again...? god. He couldn't remember... didn't matter anyway.

“Long time no see” he’d chuckle slightly as he padded up beside them.  “I brought drinks if you want 'em” he’d gesture to the bottles of moonshine dangling to his side that clanked together as he moved. “Free for anyone, I don’ ask for anything in turn” he’d turn around and glance at those who had gathered. He noticed a green and cream spotted canid who had recently walked into the open. He’d bark out a greeting. “Hello, here!” he’d mutter a very subtle “...hesitantly” under his breath, hoping no one would hear it.

As he continued looking around, he was pleasantly surprised.  - if there was one thing Athdadians knew how to do - it was how to put on a festival. He got a sense of calm as he looked over the decorations. It must have been a lot of effort to set all this up. Suddenly, a sense of guilt washed over him. Wisteria and Galzroth had always been an inspiration to him - their children he had always cherished because of their parent's legacy,  even if he didn’t get to know all of them well, regrettably.  A frown creased his features. His mother's words echoed in his head once more… “its all your fault!” whether it made any sense or not, he could not get her voice, or those feelings of guilt out of his head. It continually spiraled in the back of his mind… but now, now that he was here to face two of Wisteria's children - it was all bubbling to the surface. Perhaps the alcohol wasn’t helping after all…

“You guys did a wonderful job setting this all up” he’d say with a smile - hoping giving a compliment would make him feel better… somehow… “You got a place to put this stuff?” he’d gesture once more to the bottles. They weighed a lot and he had lugged them for quite some time - he was eager to get them off his shoulders and onto a table.  Eon was a party animal, usually always leaping at the idea of a festival like this. If it wasn't for the shadows of his past that haunted him.... he was sure he would have enjoyed this one too.