Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-27-2023, 01:35 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Since the hunt for their home in the north, Enya had been sporadically preparing for tonight, when she and Caedwyn would give thanks to their Goddess by making a sacrifice and offerings as praise towards her. As she roamed the realm, checking in on various parts of her kingdom while making herself known to the inhabitants, she collected berries, barks, muds, and clays to bring back for tonight's event. In addition, she carefully collected the skulls of each of her kills, wrapping them in leathers and cords and stashing them to the side. None were too impressive, but they weren't collected to be impressive. They were collected to ask thanks, ask for Her favor, and to ask for a blessing. The day of choice grew closer, and Enya worked more frantically to ensure that she had all of the ingredients necessary for the ceremony. Any help Caedwyn offered her she took up gratefully, but she also made efforts to go out on her own. It was part of the ceremony, she felt. 

When Caedwyn had told her two days ago to travel north to a grand crater through a network of tunnels, Enya had wondered just why he had picked such a location. She, in her head, had thought perhaps a mountain top would be proper - to gather closer and more near their Goddess. Then again, she supposed it didn't really matter how close to the sky they climbed. Tsillah wasn't stuck in the heavens above. She was all around, everywhere, inside each and every one of them. Besides, she wouldn't dare question Caedwyn's judgment for the location of the ritual. He was more knowledgable of Tsillah and more of a believer than she was, being born into the faith. If Caedwyn figured that a crater through tunnels was the best spot to be, then so be it. She would trust and put her faith into him. 

As the sun started to set over the mountains in the West of their cave-like home, Enya rushed to gather the rest of her items. She had a long journey ahead, and if she didn't leave ten minutes ago, she would be late. She gathered the sack full of paints, bones, furs, teeth and claws, a large bottle of pink liquid, and whatever else she knew Caedwyn hadn't taken with him and strapped and tucked all of the various items to her saddle bags as best she could. Her armor was rolled up neatly and strapped over her rump. Right before she departed, she grabbed a leather strap and pulled the knot free, dragging along the lamb she had cornered and roped prior in secrecy. 

By the time Enya arrived to the crater, winding her way through the tunnels and fighting with the lamb she towed along through the whole ordeal, the sun had already settled behind the mountain range to the west. She had briefly gotten lost in the caverns on her way down until Caedwyn had howled for her, helping guide her the rest of the way. When she emerged her eyes looked to the sky to realize that she was late, but she wasn't too terribly late. Hopefully Caedwyn hadn't been waiting long for her to arrive. The lamb she tugged behind seemed eager to escape the caverns as it bolted forward into the grassy field. There was nowhere it could escape to, so Enya let the lead go and watched as the lamb ran and tripped over the rope. It would settle down in due time, and besides, it had earned it's last meal before the ritual began. 

With the lamb released, Enya's focus returned to Caedwyn, smiling and wagging her tail as she saw her mate staring back at her. Her heart swelled and a sudden surge of excitement coursed through her blood. The night had come at last. To Enya, this was more than simply making a celebration to their Goddess. This was her and Caedwyn renewing their faiths together. After her gaze lingered on Caedwyn's for a moment too long, it shifted and took in the scenery as it was realized before her. She had noticed the downwards slope of the caverns on her descent, but she hadn't realized just how far down they had gone. Up above reached tall walls with trees and foliage draped over the edges, the tops of the trees seemingly leaning in to watch and observe the duo. The cascade of sunset colors painted the parts of the sky she could see in dark blues and purples, with hints of pinks on the western edge. Within the crater, it was littered with boulders and fallen trees - but also foliage that had decided to thrive within the confines of the tall walls. She saw Caedwyn sitting in a clearing of grass with large boulders decorating it and approached him with a casual walk, her breath still puffing from the journey and weight of the stuff in her bags. 

Enya lifted her muzzle up to Caedwyn and pressed her head into the area between his jaw and neck, rubbing her own face against his fur as she twisted her head beneath him in a strong touch of affection. Her tail wagged harder behind her as she pulled away from the embrace, lifted her muzzle, and quickly snipe-kissed his cheek before pulling away out of his reach, her items jangling in the bags on her sides. Bones rattling. "I approve of your choice of location, Caed." she praised with a grin as she undid her snaps on her saddlebags and stepped out of her belongings. "Let's hope that Tsillah will as well." She turned to shift into a sit, pawing at her bags to dig out the bottle of pink liquid she had procured. "But first, drink!" She had taken his advice and tried her crack at wine once more. Whether or not it was good... well... that was yet to be seen. Out came two empty carved cups of stone and before Caedwyn could even think to refuse, she had already opened the bottle and had poured both of the cups. "You first" she prompted, grinning and watching Caedwyn. He had made fun of her cactus juice, so now he got to be her taste tester. Lucky him!

Special: Wine Quality
Success: Wine is decent! Doesn't taste god awful. Won't cause massive hangover.
Failure: Wine is hot garbage. Tastes very bitter and sharp. Will definitely cause a hangover if too much is ingested. 
