so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 09-26-2023, 11:17 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

To Enya's relief, Eon was able to get to his own feet easily and quickly enough, showing his energy had truly restored. He wouldn't have to worry about her darting off and leaving him, either. The energy he gained had been energy she had lost. She was still able, but between her sprints down the beach and helping Eon, she was not full of spirit any longer. "Good" she commented with a grin and smile returning to her face, "I didn't want to have to carry you." Even though she would have, if he had needed it. As Eon spread his wings, Enya turned her gaze to marvel at them, looking and openly gawking at how nice the colors flexed on the feathers against the sun, sands, and ocean waters. She wondered briefly: would he take flight? The thought of flying filled Enya with a great need. Why did it always take her magic so long to restore after she teleported into a new world? Why did she even have to ask that question, and why had she been transported between... well she wasn't sure how many worlds it had even been at this point. 

He closed his wings and spoke his readiness to her and Enya nodded her head once firmly before motioning with her head for him to walk alongside her. From there, she kept an easy slow trot for a pace. The cove was not far, but tide was rising and soon they'd be swimming if they didn't scurry along fast enough. As they trotted, Enya talked, pausing in her chatter only to correct their path, or to wait for a response from Eon if she thought of one as necessary. "As I said before, we have plenty of time to figure out what and where you want to be. I want to elaborate further on just what exactly this Realm of ours is. We have claimed the entirety of the lands - that you know already - but what you don't know is how we do so. If you sniff around, you won't find any scent markers making borders across the lands. You won't find scratch marks, or hanging ornaments, or walls or anything of the sorts to indicate who owns what, and what is considered free lands. All of it belongs to the Realm, because all of us need to work together. Vrolga, Athadia, Casfura and Barioth. Each pack was strong in its own rights, but weak at the same time, falling into it's politics which caused each pack's ultimate demise. Here, that won't happen. It can't happen, because we don't all work to enforce our own beliefs. We work to enforce everyone's. We claim the lands by spreading our beliefs, the beliefs that all beliefs are valued, and we excuse those who try to say otherwise. Don't care for the idea? That's fine by us, too. Just don't interfere or hinder The Realm, and we will leave you alone all the same."

Enya paused to take a breath, regathering her thoughts before she started to deviate and ramble on. "So, now that you know how we work, you can make a better choice for yourself where that puts you, and what part you will play. You said you wanted to join the cause, but what does that mean to you?" She continued on, not yet letting him answer, showing that she meant to ask more questions before it was his turn to speak, "Will you be someone who settles down in an environment of your choosing, perhaps pursue studies, or raise a family of your own? Maybe you will become, one day, a great healer? Or a Seer? Or perhaps even a Star Chaser? The point is, you are free to pursue any dream that you choose here. Don't limit yourself to what you think you should be. Become what you want to be, and let the Realm empower you to do so." Finally, Enya stopped talking and waited for Eon's response. Even her legs stopped in their trot, slowing down to a stand still, as she paused and turned to look at the smaller canid whom she had just lectured into (she was sure) boredom. She wanted her words to sink in, and waited for them to do so. "You don't have to answer now." she started up again, both in talking and in her trot. "In fact, I don't want you to answer now. I want you to think about it, sleep on it, and figure out your true answer. Come now, the Cove is just ahead." 

Her limber legs slowed to a walk as their paws shifted from rocky bottom to more of a sandy beach. Large rocks long ago weathered by the sea surges and winds arched further inland, surrounded by rich foliage and creating a beautiful outcropping safe from tides, winds, and the sun. She had hoped to be the first one to bed here, but Eon needed it more than she did. "Help me gather some of these palms. Careful, some of them can wield sharp spikes along the stems." She walked over to a bushy palm to the left of the cove, gripped one, and after several tugs with an arched back and planted feet, she ripped the palm frond clean. Her mouth dribbled blood from the very spikes she had warned Eon of. Then, she stepped inside the cove to start lay and start ripping the frond apart. 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac