Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 09-25-2023, 11:59 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Buck lashed forward and while she had managed to dodge out of the way, she couldn't help but notice that Caedwyn had not been as lucky or agile as her. She heard his growl, his snap of teeth, and closed her eyes to pray to Tsillah to give him strength. She herself wanted to turn on Buck, to grab him by the throat and hold on until he ceased to move. She wanted to so badly she could almost taste his blood on her tongue, and yet she stilled herself, standing firm. Even as Buck thrashed through Caedwyn, injuring her mate, she held herself still. He would be ok. He had to be ok, and if he wasn't ok, well, she'd make him ok if she survived this. She'd make him ok, and thank him profusely for enduring the wrath of her stupid dumb fucking dip shit of a familiar. 

Her teal eyes quickly shifted from Buck as he continued to thrash forward, past Caedwyn, to make a half-circle for a return trip, to Caedwyn who was standing there protectively, aggressively, staring down the beast while seemingly growing to twice his size while tossing ideas out at her on how they might stop him. She saw him and marveled him. She watched as Caedwyn took a steady step forward, resisting the urge to leap at Buck, to bring him down with force. She heard as Caedwyn spoke to Buck, trying to command him to calm down. 'It won't work!' she wanted to shout at him. If he wouldn't listen to her, then why would he listen to Caedwyn? Even as she thought the words, she waited and held her breath to see. Buck stilled and held his position, shaking his head at the two, his eyes turning onto Caedwyn as he made his command. Was he... was he obeying Caedwyn, or was it pure chance? 

She saw her opportunity and went for it. While there perhaps weren't any jungle vines available to them in the immediate area to use, it had given Enya an idea on how she might be able to capture Buck. It would mean draining more from the foliage around them leaving a mark for a long time on the lands. It would have to do. Perhaps if she survived, she'd make a point to return here and nourish the lands back to life once more. Like before, the plant life around her withered away and drained of it's liquid essence. The water droplets pulled and formed into a long vine-like shape while simultaneously dashing across the air in Buck's direction. Her teal eyes glowed as she stood her ground, focused on her Will and commanding it. If Buck changed his mind and charged at her, she would be a sitting duck if her magic did not succeed. 

Enya: 7/8
Special: Attempts to trip Buck with her water-vine
Success: Buck is tripped up and falls forward, briefly stunned
Failure: Buck leaps gracefully over Enya's magic vines 
