so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 09-20-2023, 12:58 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

‘Of course we will have you’ Eon's ears perked up at Enyas' reply.  So it was agreed, at the moment, that Eon would follow her to build this kingdom. He knew the commitment and work laid bare before him was of vast amounts - but at least now, he had direction, purpose, something to call his own— a home. He had found what he was looking for. He would glance back to the sea watching the waves slowly roll onto the sandy shore. He felt grateful for it, even if it had almost killed him. For the first time in a long while he felt a sort of security, something he had been craving for a long time, even before Athadia fell. The chaos was rearranging itself - picking up the pieces of the past and re-building a path to the future. 

A slight smile graced his features.  Though it only appeared as a slight quiver upon his lips it would shine much brighter in his eyes. His azure gaze glowed in Enya's direction, a sign of appreciation and he noted that she too was smiling. He watched as her tail wagged behind her, kicking up the sandy terrain below them and soon his own trio had joined hers. He anticipated what else she had to say,  explaining that she would have saved him regardless of if she had found him worthy.  Her statement made him feel several things, a whirlwind he perhaps wasn’t ready for only minutes after waking up.  At first, he felt disappointment. Did she only save him because of the mentioned healer's teachings?  The thought swiftly left him, however, as he realized her words mirrored his own morals. He would much rather have someone generous enough to heal the injured, regardless of their story, as his leader - even if that meant he might have to prove himself to her still. He would find a way to do so - eventually. 

His ears perked up again as he heard his old pack's name… Athadia. He’d glance back downward at his paws. That too washed up a lot of emotions he had wanted to leave at sea - but he still carried them. As much as he wanted to escape it, Athadia was a part of his past and a part of who he was. Those struggles and regrets would haunt him even as he followed the new path laid out for him. He would not forget - even if he wanted to. Even if Enya's words were comforting, the mention of Athadia alone was enough to send shivers down his spine. With a quick swallow of air, however, he would do his best to put it to the side for now and hide it until he was alone. For now, he would continue to listen - even if he didn't reply. These emotions were better kept to himself.

He agreed that finding out what role exactly he was meant to play could happen over time. He was still healing and there was no need to stress over all that now. He would show his agreement with a slight nod of his head. A smile emerged as she mentioned she had found a place he could shelter. He’d stand to his paws as quickly as he could - excited to get to wherever this place was.  Though he was a bit clumsy in his movements and far from sure-footed like he wanted to be he was certainly in good enough shape to walk a bit.  The place sounded like paradise right about now.  “I can make it” he’d say, padding up beside her. He’d spread his large galactic wingspan.  He didn’t plan to fly, not yet anyway, but it felt good to finally stretch them before folding them again to his sides. “Ready when you are” he’d glance in her direction trying to hide any exhaustion he still felt. He would push through it.