Impatience doesn't mix with injuries
OOC Date: 09-13-2023, 01:25 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/15/2023  in 
Species Nonbinary Red Fox
Build Teen Lean 15"
Health6 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 2 Strength 1
linked accounts

Dos puffed out her chest a bit at the praise – rabbits were fast and hard to capture for even the swiftest hunters. And that was ignoring their tendency to bite or scratch 11when they were properly trapped. She remembers her mother coming home with a bite from a rabbit once – nasty looking and on ts way to infection. That had been among the vixen’s first injuries they worked with and they’d swiftly decided they would simply not get bitten like that.

”I don’t wanna be rude – and I caught it for you,” the young vixen encouraged. She wanted Elcid to heal quickly and the best way to heal was to make sure the other’s body had all the fuel it needed. Dos tore a hind-leg from the rabbit, settling down and pushing the rest of the carcass towards her friend. Rabbit hinds were heavily muscled and full of meat – her favorite part though she left the other for her friend to enjoy.

She crunched on the rabbit’s foot for a moment, savoring the woody flavor as the wolf inquired on her family.

”Oh we’re pretty average,” Dos said easily. Well, they were average for a family of foxes anyway. She knows wolf-packs were much, much bigger than the little leash she was part of. ”It’s me, mom and my sister Uno. ‘unno what happened to dad but mom’s been great. You can meet ‘em soon! Mom believes me that you’re friendly – Uno doesn’t but she doesn’t believe anyone’s friendly until they prove it so don’t worry about her.”

She rolls her eyes a little in a fond fashion – her older sister’s paranoia exasperated her sometimes but she understands that Uno just wants to keep their little family safe. Dos honestly hopes her sister’s calling stays faint – she wants her to wander and explore the world yes but she wouldn’t deny that the idea of her sister being around to greet her when she comes home is a reassurance.

She looked up with her twin tails wagging, fur rippling faintly with suppressed excitement, ”What’s your family like?”

Table by Aon