[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 09-12-2023, 11:45 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

Night-hued wings flapped frantically as the small canine braced for landing. His paws gently brushed on the sandy shoreline. It had felt good to get back into the air and off the ground for a bit. The sand stuck between his paws was annoying at best, but the freshly healed canid knew better than to travel far right now.  He had gained his strength back thanks to Enya, but he had sworn to himself he would rest for at least a day or two. His word was not something he would break, even words to himself. He would stand by them even as he itched to travel.

The sea danced, sparkling waves crashing onto the shore in perfect rhythm, It was beautiful for sure, but Eon had a mix of emotions as he watched it.  He was thankful for it,  It had delivered him directly to where he needed to be. However, after being in its water for days, he just could not get the salt out of his fur, not to mention the musty scent that now clung to him. His usually shimmering coat was dulled with salt and sand, and the canid found himself picking at his fur for hours just trying to get it out.  As much as he was thankful for the sea, he was also eager to leave the coastal region behind entirely, bathe in some freshwater, and finally reestablish his usual silky fur coat.

Though Eon had initially washed ashore on Sandy Island, he had found it hard to remain in one place. He hadn’t gone far, but at least it was enough to satisfy his urge to travel and curiosity to see what else the realm had to offer.  This area seemed to catch his interest, actually. It had many caverns and crevices to explore, enough to keep him busy for a little while. It seemed like a good spot to catch a meal too. Eon wasn’t big on shellfish, but now wasn’t the time to be picky.

The winged canid paced the shore, overturning rocks and digging through muddy sand to find something. It was far from ideal - any muck he had managed to remove prior was now being replaced. It would be worth it for a meal though - so he hopped.  He just wasn’t the best at finding it. His paws sunk into the wet sand making it hard for him to travel. Luckily with a few flaps of his wings, he could easily get out of any mud he was trapped in. He was just happy the area seemed to be void of intelligent life. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this. As thankful as he was to Enya, he was still embarrassed to be seen in such a condition. Not because he was found half-dead, but because of how unappealing he had probably appeared freshly washed up from the sea.

‘Just one more day… then I’ll travel inland’ he’d repeat to himself. It was the only thing getting him through. He overturned a rock, finally finding a few crabs to snack on. Though seafood had never been his favorite just about anything tasted good right about now. He was so preoccupied with his catch he almost didn’t catch a glimpse of the figure on the rocks.  However, movement from the corner of his eye eventually caught his attention. He would adjust his gaze to fixate on it. It was another wolf… crap... not someone else to see him like this.

He'd observe the figure for a moment. They were dancing on top of rocks? Strange… but who was he to judge when he danced in the clouds all the time? At least… he used to. It had been a bit since he had been able to do so. For a moment his mind wandered to simpler times where he could dance in the sky all day.  'Soon' he replied quietly to himself, eyes still glued on the strange wolf in the distance.  He'd watch for another moment. However, he realized the wolf wasn’t exactly dancing.  Instead, they were practicing with what appeared to be a sword or multiple of them.  Eon was intrigued and curiosity carried him forward just in time to watch the wolf cut a coconut clean in two. He was impressed with this wolf’s swift movements. As much as Eon didn’t want anyone to see him in his current condition, he was too intrigued by this wolf not to gawk at them.

“Impressive” he’d bark, his colorful tails swinging behind him. “Where'd you learn to do that?”