so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 09-12-2023, 08:41 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

Eon would wince as Enya confirmed she should be thanked.  He agreed it couldn’t have been simple to use that kind of magic. It probably was no lie the amount of energy she had just used to heal him.  While Eon would have typically understood she was just teasing him, and probably would have right back, it was evident his energy was still returning and his head felt like it was wrapped in a thick blanket of fog. It was slowly clearing, but it made it hard to read her. Her serious tone did not help that case, either.

He felt a lot better than he had a few minutes ago, but it was clear he was still coming back to consciousness.  “S-Sorry” he’d reply, with a nod of his head. Her debt to him had certainly been repaid - not that he would have been on her case about it anyway. He was one to believe acts of kindness were simply that, not something that needed to be paid for. Fate would make sure good deeds were repaid in the end, in its own way - sometimes in mysterious ways. Perhaps the fact that he had washed up on the same beach where she was, simply was that. Enya felt like she owed him a favor, and a favor was needed. Maybe he had ended up in the right place after all…. Maybe.

Of course, now Eon felt like he was in her dept. He would find a way to repay her with time - but for now, a thank you and show of respect was all he could offer. His eyes looked up to her in relief as she mentioned they were not in Kalonia, but in some place called the realm. Perhaps it was this fact that had snapped him back to the present moment. His journey had not been for nothing. A slight smirk formed on his lips.  He was quickly coming back to his body, burying his paws in the sand in an attempt to ground himself.  It was working quite well, and soon, Eon had his own glint of mischief in his eyes. “I will go and burn that place to the ground myself if it's not already” he’d speak with a  hint of sharpness in his voice that was not there before. It was apparent that whatever Enya had done to him, had worked quite efficiently.

When Enya went on to claim he was in her territory, the mischievous look in his eyes disappeared. Was he trespassing then? Well… If Enya had seen it that way, he supposed she wouldn’t have healed him - but would have left him there to die on the shore, or even finish the deed herself. She mentioned bands of rouges scattered across the lands they were aiming to unite. It seemed she wasn't driving trespassers out, instead, inviting them into their ranks. That was something Eon could admire. It was a true show of strength in his opinion - seeing everyone had a home and purpose within the lands.  He began to wonder just how big this claim was - how far this realm, as she called it - stretched. It couldn’t be that big if she had claimed it all for herself, right? Still, he looked up at her in bewilderment.

“A pack united under a common purpose can achieve a lot.” he’d agree to her next statement. While Athadia had failed - it was because the pack had not stood united under a common goal.  If they had, they could have been so much more than they were. Instead, the blood laws had held them back - but if a pack would be united under a common purpose, if a pack could respect each other and their strengths, could aid each other through their weaknesses - well, they would be unstoppable. Eon could tell by the way Enya spoke, that thats what she wanted to do - and he held nothing but respect for that.

The small canid began to wonder, had Enya saved him so he could help in some way? Had she seen him as somebody worth saving to help build this pack of hers? Was this new pack his destiny then? He was silent for a moment, as he contemplated the possibilities. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.  “I would like to help you in your quest to unite these lands if you’ll have me.” he’d finally reply. “I may be small, but I am capable. I assume you saw that in me anyway. You wouldn’t have bothered saving me if you didn’t think I was.”