Hello Tutorial
OOC Date: 09-01-2023, 02:34 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/14/2023  in  Blue Oasis  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 36"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 5 Medicine
Charisma 2 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

His paw pressed against her chest, holding her firmly in place. She yelped and looked up at him with big eyes full of surprise and Ridley's grin grew wider, the corners of his lips pulling back impossibly far, revealing full rows of teeth that were all pointed and sharpened. Ridley did not possess teeth standard to most wolves. Nay. His teeth were much more aligned to those of his ancestors: those who shared mutations with reptilians of all kinds. His teeth looked more like a monitor lizards, every tooth designed to rip and tear to swallow chunks of flesh or entire animals whole. It made for an eerie picture as he grinned down at the stranger, as he threatened to skin her and turn her into a satchel of his own. 

She cried out, telling him 'no', and tried to squirm beneath his grasp. Ridley's weight pushed forward, pressing his paw down harder on her chest to stop her and her damned squirming. "Come now, this will be easier for the both of us if you just behave and cooperate." She kicked at him but Ridley held firm in his grasp, his head twisting and hovering to inspect the thickness of her pelt he had admired before. He ignored the shock on her face, ignored her yelps of fear, and continued to inspect. The prospects always squirmed and cried when they ended up such a situation. He had grown immune to it during his time in the kingdom serving as the King's surgeon... or something like that. 

Unexpectantly, the squirming beneath Ridley's paw became too much for him to hold. There was some sort of pressure pushing back against him, a force he couldn't continue to keep still. Suddenly, there was some sort of explosion beneath his paw forcing Ridley to back away from his prize. He blinked, briefly looked down at his paw to ensure it was all still there, then looked up at the wolf to see not one, but two getting to her feet and bolting in different direction. "What the fuck?" he muttered with amusement and surprise, watching for a split second as the figure parted and went two different ways. How fascinating he thought inwardly, glancing between the two identical figures before leaping forward to follow after one of them. Was it the right one? He had no idea. He did know, however, that he wasn't about to let such a prize escape him so easily. "I wonder, if you lose your skin, does the other one do the same?" The question was asked with a mutter, not shouted after the tiny wolf. She was already on the run, no need to terrify her further. 

Special: Tracks the real Braith
Success: Pursues the real Braith that is fleeing and keeps pace with her/attempts to catch up
Failure: Pursues the fake Braith that is fleeing and keeps pace with the fake one. If he chases the fake one, feel free to end the thread with Braith fleeing the thread (but is not necessary!!)