so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 08-17-2023, 12:44 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya disregarded the concerned look in Eon's face as he turned to glance at her. She instead focused on her Will, reaching out and pushing her energy into Eon to mend any internal damage or external wounds. Where she touched him, her paw became encased in water, and she moved it across his small frame with a tenderness one might not expect from the Viper. It took only a couple moment for her to complete the push of Will into his body and once completed, the water from her paw fell away and she sat back, sagging from the exercise. Using magic was never easy. When Eon sat up, Enya sat back, giving him some space to breathe. He spoke her name and declared that this was something he did not know about her. She smirked with a glint of mischief in her eyes, both satisfied that he remembered her, and amused that he would speak such a fact out loud. "There's a lot about me that you don't know." she retorted with a playful tone, happy to have helped the wolf who had helped her once upon a time. Would this mean that the debt was repaid? Perhaps. But Enya wasn't ready to leave Eon to the rest of the wolves just yet. There had been quite a nasty bunch on this beach not long ago, and she intended to make sure that Eon recovered enough to fend for himself before she left him. 

He spoke on about feeling obligated to thank her, and she nodded her head in agreement alongside him. "You should thank me. That was a lot of energy I just put into you." Her tone was serious, but that same glint of mischief in her eye remained along with the smirk. She was teasing him, though whether he understood that or not was up to him. He asked her a question, then, and her smirk slowly disappeared as he mentioned Kalonia. A world of their past. A world she wished she could forget. Based on the nervous look that Eon gave her, she guessed that he wished to forget, too. Her smirk returned as she looked up to the sky, waving a paw in the air as she spoke. "We are in the Realm. Kalonia can burn to the ground, for all I care." Her eyes looked back at Eon and her gaze once more twinkled with mischief and amusement. "You're in my territory, to be exact. Everywhere you go, you're in my territory. We claim all of the Realm, and aim to unite these sorry sacks of shit under one formal leadership. There are small bands of rogues scattered all across The Realm with no drive or purpose. We aim to change that, to teach them what a true pack is like, nurture them into becoming more than what their lives can even begin to imagine." She paused, evaluating Eon's response as she spoke. "You've seen what a united pack is capable of. You've seen the glory that can come from organization and purpose." Her gaze turned once more outwards, but this time, to the inlands. "They will learn that murdering whoever they please is not appropriate behavior. We are all wolves, nay, all canids. We should work as a team, not be at one another's throats." For the last time, Enya's gaze shifted to Eon and there she stared, waiting, wondering just what he would say about where he had just ended up. Perhaps the ocean would have been a kinder place to end up. Perhaps not. It all depended on how he answered.   

text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac