so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 08-06-2023, 07:08 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

  Ears pricked above his head. He was beginning to come to consciousness more and more, and suddenly, he was acutely aware of his surroundings. He could hear the gentle paw steps as another canine approached. His heart pounded in his chest like thunder,  though he stayed still. He still did not have the energy to move. Not much anyway. Though after a few seconds ticked by he attempted to roll over to smell the air in the direction they were coming from.  Mixed in with the musty saltwater, the breeze carried the familiar scent. But just who was it…? He knew he knew it from somewhere … but his mind was blank.

It took a moment for his memory to clear. Enya. Under any other circumstance, he would have been disappointed.  Even here, wherever this was, he couldn't completely escape his past like he had wanted.  Knowing there was even one wolf here that he knew from Kalonia made it hard to forget.  But at this moment,  he needed someone he knew would help him. A stranger could easily take advantage of him - but Enya?  Suddenly he was thankful he had helped her out all those moons ago by catching her that rabbit. Because now that the roles were reversed, it was plausible his kindness would be repaid.

'May I?' Eon wasn't entirely sure what she was asking - and a moment of silence ticked by. He didn't know if she was waiting for a reply from him, unaware as she was actually busy searching him with her will. All he knew was that there was an awkward silence. As it went on about too long for him to stand he opened his mouth to speak - but right at that moment Enya sat down next to him. His mouth closed shut again, eyes glued on her now as she placed a paw on his shoulder.   Well,  it seemed he didn't need to answer the question after all. Though he was confused as to what exactly she was doing. This uncertainty was reflected in his eyes as he glanced up at her - but as another moment passed, he felt his energy return with a speed he had not expected.

What… just happened? Had Enya… healed him? Just with a single touch.  He sat up - still looking at her with confusion. This was his first time encountering such magic,  but boy, was he lucky he had encountered it now.

"Enya?" he'd finally speak, looking at her in awe. "I didn't know you had that ability."  Well, obviously he didn't, perhaps he shouldn't have been as shocked as he was. He barely knew Enya. They had met briefly before - but hadn't had the chance to get to know each other well. That came as a bit of regret to the tiny canid. He would have liked to get to know her better back then, during the brief time she had sheltered in Athadia, but so much had been going on then they hadn't had the chance to talk much. "I suppose I should thank you. It was rather stupid of me to expect the sea to transport me so easily."

The sounds of seabirds echoed around them, reminding him once again where he was. Or, reminding him of the fact he didn't know where he was. "I apologize, my head is a little foggy still" he admitted, looking down at his paws as they buried into the muddy sand. He breathed a heavy exhale.  "I hate to ask more of you,  but, do you  know where we are? Because I have no clue. We're not in Kalonia, are we?"  He'd look at her nervously. She was here, which meant there was a possibility that somehow, he had ended up back where he had started - and the thought devastated him. Had he almost downed for nothing? Would he attempt the journey again if this one had failed? He didn't want to end up nearly dead on the shore again, that was for sure.