so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 08-04-2023, 06:01 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

After her dispute with the wolves on the beach Enya had elected to remain within the area for the coming days. The beach was pleasant to her and was a relief from the heat with its swift breezes and cool waters. It provided plentiful food for her to rest and recover on, to continue to heal and lick her wounds. It also gave her a better idea of whether the wolves would try to rival her, or if they would heed her warning. She also wanted to be discoverable in case they decided to return and offer their selves to the pack. She had promised them positions of guard, and she planned to keep her word. Any wolves who could toss her around like they had deserved as much - or at least the opportunity. 

Her mission for today was the same mission she had been pursuing for the past week. Feed her belly and restore the muscles that she had lost being a pampered as a queen in the Kingdom. She had a purpose, a drive now to focus on. She had decided to create a home for her family, but not just them. She had decided to create a home for everyone. She used that purpose to drive her every day. She used that purpose to motivate her to push past her limits. She rose early in the morning, before the sun, and stalked the beaches for her breakfast. Any crabs that skittered off too slowly or any unfortunate shellfish - oysters, clams, or shrimp - ended up in her belly to be digested. While she hunted, she used the exercise to warm up for her endurance training. Once her breakfast was settled, her legs moved into motion. Today was the day that she went north up the length of the beach. Tide was rising, and she wanted to race to one of the sandbars on the other end before it rose fully and cut off her access to the hard-packed sand. 

She stared down the beach, lifted her head into the air, and inhaled deeply to take in the ocean odor. It refreshed her and with a slight backwards tilt to her body, she lunged forward and erupted into a sprint. As she ran, she practiced her breathing, practiced her extension in her stride, practiced her balance and focus. Soon enough, her muscles started to burn. Her breath started to become heavier and labored. For miles she alternated between sprinting and running, building the muscles in her legs and her endurance together. She had slowed into a relaxed canter when she suddenly saw some strange shape dotted on the beach. By this time in the day, the tide was half-way risen. Odd. There hadn't been a rock or boulder here last time she'd passed by - a day or so ago. Her gait continued in the same motion to bring her closer to the figure. Her forked tongue flicked rapidly as she came to realize that it was a wolf laying on the beach. 

She neared, and the wolf cried out for it's mom. Her canter suddenly came to a halt in the sands. She was but several lengths away now from the wolf. It took her a moment to understand where she had seen this wolf at before, but then her memory jostled as the wolf shifted in the sand and moaned. He was so small, and yet with wings and tail so large. It was the wolf who had helped her when she had been reborn. It was an Athadian - a member of a long forgiven grudge - laying there on the beaches. Out of all the wolves... 

"Not quite." Enya responded to Eon, taking a few steps closer to him to help close the gap. She approached with a passive demeanor to her stance and a curious twinkle in her eye. "May I?" she inquired, motioning that she wanted to look him over, to sense if his lungs were full of water and to treat any wounds that he may be enduring. The inquiry was more of a formal motion, for she did not wait for his reply. With her Will, she reached out to Eon's body. She poked around within it, sensing the various versions of liquid that sloshed around inside the small canid. She pinpointed his lungs and felt relief when she realized they were not soaked with seawater. Good. She was satisfied. Her touch of her Will on him ceased, and she stepped closer, aiming to sit down and put her paw against his shoulder. Her healing magic needed physical touch, so she reached out regardless of whether or not he wanted her to, and tried to once more pull from her Will to sense his vitals and check for any severe wounds. 

Attack: Touching Eon to see if she can sense wounds
Success: She touches him
Failure: She doesn't touch him.

Special: Enya reaches out with her Will to see if she is accurate in sensing his water intake/if it's in his lungs. 
Success: She is able to successfully reach out with her Will to sense his condition
Failure: She is not able to reach her Will out towards him - what she senses is what she wants to believe is correct

Table code by Zodiac