There on the Shoreline
OOC Date: 08-01-2023, 10:24 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/16/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

An island surrounded by cliffs... Caedwyn thought about it for a moment. She'd offered little details to identify the place other than 'cliffs' and 'underwater plants' - something Caedwyn knew very little about even if she had offered details. He tried to think if such a place was around here, though he doubted it was. So many he'd met had ended up here unintentionally that he figured the same must have been for this girl. "Well, there are bluffs up north of here, a few days travel I'd say," he mused aloud in a helpful tone. "But I'm not sure what sorts of terrain the sea has near there, nor islands. There is a large bay to the east of here that might have a more welcoming underwater habitat, but I don't tend to do much exploring underwater myself. No gills..." He shrugged a little, turning his neck to the side as to show her he was not equipped for underwater life. "But you seem pretty confident you can identify what you're looking for. I take it you must be more familiar with such things? a student of herbology? Or maybe just these plants you're looking for are familiar to you?"

At this point he wasn't so much drilling for information now as simply making conversation. He'd already played out this scenario in his head. The female seemed keen on finding her way to wherever-it-was she was looking for, and he doubted she'd actually find it (unless by some miraculous chance this place was actually part of the Realm). At that point he figured she'd continue searching for awhile, only to realize that she - like so many others - were trapped in this place. Finally, when that realization sunk in, she'd have to make a home here. That was what Caedwyn was waiting on. That inevitable path out in the future that would land her squarely in his domain. But it was a waiting game and he needed to play things right for them to get there. He didn't want to go making an enemy of her now only to squander this future opportunity.

"I don't think I caught your name," he added finally, shifting his weight a bit before pacing around on the sand and lowering himself down into a sitting position. He hadn't really noticed how she'd backed herself up to the water - or at least, he could see it but hadn't realized she was doing so from a defensive standpoint. "I suppose I should introduce myself first though - seeing as it looks like you'll be exploring my territory for this mysterious island of yours..." He smiled a bit at her in a teasing manner. " I am Caedwyn, the ruler of these lands - from the northern ice mountains to the southern deserts. All within the Realm are within my rule. And you are?"

