All Over Again
OOC Date: 08-01-2023, 10:08 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

Murderers. Thieves. Scoundrels. Oh how the male was right. It amused Caedwyn greatly thinking about what Gabriel had said, given that Caedwyn was definitely all three of those things. He'd murdered that wolf in Athadia while he was a spy there and planted the murder weapon in another wolf's den to frame her for the crime. He'd stolen many things, lied countless times. Sometimes these things were done for amusement, other times for a specific goal. Surely Gabriel meant it in a more metaphorical sense than what Caedwyn was thinking, but Caedwyn said nothing in reply to that. Instead he focused his attention to the pairs reply about their relationship. Gabriel said he couldn't speak on it... and the female, well she said it was a one night stand. Interesting! But she was quick to bring the attention back onto the deer and onto Caedwyn himself.

Caedwyn shrugged at the comment about the deer. "It's probably long gone by now." He replied to her. The deer had only been a ruse but he didn't want to run off so quickly and end their interaction on account of maintaining a lie. "I can make due without my lunch for now. Besides, we're just starting to enjoy each others company right? If your companion is nothing more than a one night stand, that means we're free to get more acquainted." He took a step forward toward the female. "This is indeed my land, but why would I want to run you off so quickly? We won't be able to get acquainted if I kick you out right away." This was a very entertaining game they were playing and she seemed determined not to share her name.

He looked back to Gabriel. "What a brilliant idea, Gabriel. We'll make up some names then. Hmm...." He paused, making a 'thinking' noise. "I suppose you could call me Caedwyn then." He mused thoughtfully. "But what name should we give to her?" He continued looking to Gabriel, wondering if the male would offer up a suggestion.

