Davy Jone's Locker
OOC Date: 07-19-2023, 06:20 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/15/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  

Species Male Red Wolf
Build Adult Lean 31"
Trade (untasked)
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 3 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Wandering the world seemed like an adventure when he was a child. Surrounded by wonder and amazing discoveries, but now that he was forced to live that way nothing seemed like a wonder at all. Even looking down at this beautiful landscape... Felt meaningless. It should fill him with some kind of feeling right? Some sort of awe or even disgust because of the sand...? No... He felt nothing at all. An empty shell filled with ravaging thoughts and manic tendencies. For once in his life, he finally felt like the bandages were holding he altogether instead of keeping him locked up. 

Sitting on his haunches on the cliff side, he spotted something unusual. Bubbles were rising to the surface out in the middle of the ocean. Never had he encountered anything like that. Slowly he stood with an odd cat-like grace and sauntered down the ridge. As he did more bubbles appeared and then they stopped again. Was it something magical? A pocket of air underneath some wreckage finally being let free? He didn't know. Curiosity seemed to heat up his limbs as he made it to the edge. Though right before he jumped down to the beach, he noticed an odd coloration in the water. It was coming up from the ocean floor it seemed like and it was not of any fish he could think of. 

Dropping down to the beach, the sand quelching between his toes, his brows rose in astonishment. It was a wolf. Water magic? He wondered and sat down. A glimmer of amusement rolled through him after a while. He figured the wolf couldn't swim since it just bobbed with the tide. His tail curled and unfurled as he waited for this stranger to reach shore. Regretfully once it did, it did what any almost drowned victim did, vomited all over the sand. Feeling the relief and anxiety wafting off the wolf like an aura. He wanted to go up and greet them but at the same time his heart sank. Who would want to talk to a lowlife like you. His mind muttered in his ears. His eyes lowering to the sandy floor. Instead of talking to the new wolf instead he turned his body and rose. Climbing back up the sandy cliff in the exact why he'd come. Stopping only briefly to take one last look.   

