Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-19-2023, 03:52 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
ooc. Suggestive wording. Mature themes. Read at own risk.


He relaxed into her as her paw pulled him closer, moving his head down into the fur of her neck to feel her warmth. "Make me your Queen then."  It left no room for doubt now that she had spoken. The command sent shivers through his body, like little jolts of electricity snapping long wires, and he fully intended to obey. He pulled his body forward, reaching up to her head once more to lick her maw as he growled out "Mine.", before shifting his weight into his back legs to lift himself slightly so he no longer had her pinned down. Without thinking, his body knew what to do instinctually. He lifted his paw and pushed against her shoulder, at the same time pushing his nose down under the back of her neck to encourage her to roll over. Unlike Enya, who may have been well versed in the ways of romance, Caedwyn was somewhat of a novice. And yet he didn't have to think about it now. His body felt like it was moving on its own as he lowered himself once more to accept the soft embrace of Enya's body. She was his, and he was hers.

The evening had crept forward and the sun hung low. Long shadows were cast by tall trees and the foliage all around them obscured them from the outside world. The hum of crickets filled the air, covering the soft, tender sounds of love, and fireflies had begun to twinkle here and there. The world beyond moved on its path, unaware of the moment shared by two wolves hidden away in the trees.

It was only a moment though. How long was unclear but before it was over, a poison had begun to fill in Caedwyn's body and mind. Though he was strong and able-bodied, Caedwyn was not as experienced as Enya (this thought was not at the front of Caedwyn's mind in the slightest but it did not change the fact it was truth). Even though he moved with desire and instinct, his body had felt the throws of nights-embrace once before now. This was not the first time, and his body remembered it, even if his mind did not. As he gave himself to the blissful moment, something in his body triggered a flashing memory. A familiar touch shivered across his body and his mind jumped to a darkened cave that smelled of salt and sea. The dark shadows of the evening blurred together with memories until his body wasn't sure what was reality and what was memory. A flash of brown fur. Of loves touch. Of drunken desire. But only little bits and pieces came to him. Though the memory was heavily obscured by the elixir of alcohol, Caedwyn's mind and body was able top piece together a broken truth.

Rather abruptly, Caedwyn's embrace ceased and he moved away from Enya. He was far from finished with her, but he had torn himself away. He was panting heavily and his body was hot. His fur was slicked with a slight wetness of sweat. His heartbeat rumbled in his chest and into his ears, blood pulsing through him. She was his. His mind repeated over and over, and yet he suddenly felt cold. Was it just the coolness of the evening wind seeping in against his damp fur? He held himself still but felt like trembling. He had remembered something in that moment. He had remembered something that ale and rum had hidden from him for the past years.

He suddenly felt ashamed of himself. Why was he thinking of this now? Why NOW? He turned his head away from Enya, not able to see how she had reacted to him now. Somehow it felt like a betrayal. Why was he thinking of that night? He had forgotten it even happened. But his body remembered. It wasn't like it meant anything. So why did his stomach suddenly feel queasy? He wanted nothing more than to sink into the night next to Enya, to feel her embrace until he was spent and his legs gave up from under him. But his body remembered. He wasn't drunk this time. The choice to be here with Enya had been made with a clear head. He had made her his!

So why? What were these mixed emotions that were welling up inside of him?

"I'm sorry." he finally managed to whisper out, his voice shaking. He kept his head turned away from her still, not able to look at her. Though he hadn't been thinking of it before, he was now reminded that this was not Enya's first experience. He wasn't fully aware of how experienced she was, but he knew enough to suddenly feel self concious. She deserved better than this. She deserved someone that could at least finish the job. She must have been so disappointed in him. What an embarrassment! He had finally worked up the courage to make a move and he had fumbled. Had he ruined everything?

