Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-18-2023, 09:12 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

"I'm thinking..." he trailed off, grinning at her with his lips pulled back and his teeth barred, but not with aggression. He spoke with an even lower tone than before and Enya had to strain to listen to his words. The sounds around them, the bugs that sang of the evening coming and going, disappeared from her ears as she deciphered every syllable Caedwyn spoke. "About your necklace of fangs. Shall I give it to you now, Enya?" She wasn't sure exactly what he meant by the phrase but she found herself excited to find out, a shiver snaking through her spine. Enya did love gifts, after all. 

His muzzle lowered closer to her neck. Instinctually, she tilted her own muzzle downwards to protect the vital spot of her body but it did her no good, for as she made the motion, Caedwyn's own muzzle pushed her from blocking her neck. The shiver through her spine snaked it's way back up. Then she felt it: his fangs around her throat. She froze. With his voice ceasing, there was nothing else for her to tune her ears to. All she could hear was her breathing growing heavier, her heart beating louder in her chest. She felt the pinch of his fangs against her scales and swallowed hard. Tha-thunk tha-thunk tha-thunk her heart pounded. Had she been entirely wrong about the friendship that had been growing between them? Had this all been a grand scheme to get back at her for all of the wrongs she'd done to him? Had she been blind to his true intention, because she'd been so desperate for companionship in this new world? 

He'd said 'I want you here, with me, as equals.' and she'd believed him immediately. What if what he'd said and what he'd meant were drastically different? Even with as quick as the motion had been on Caedwyn's part, it didn't stop these thoughts from racing through her mind. He released her neck and Enya swallowed again, letting out a heavy breath, a sigh of relief, only to quickly and sharply inhale once more when she felt his tongue against her scales drag upwards, ceasing at her chin. Had... had he just licked her? Her instincts raged within, yet she continued to remain still and motionless, frozen in place. Her mind suddenly shifted from 'He's going to kill me' to 'He's going to claim me'

What did this mean? Was this a good idea? Probably not, knowing her own track record. Her tongue flicked once more from her muzzle, click, to just hardly graze his ear. Her eyes closed as she struggled internally, fighting with herself. "Caedwyn, this isn't a good idea." she wanted to tell him, but when she tried to open her muzzle, it ceased to obey her. "Caedwyn, you don't know what you're getting into with me." Every relationship she'd been in had ended in disaster. It was why, since Meliodas, she had sworn to herself that she'd focus on something else, focus on making a dream come true over falling into the temptations she found, yet here she was. Caedwyn would gain nothing by being with her. He was already the leader of their pack. He would surely have plenty of wolves fawning over him in the future, once they united them all under their rule. He didn't need her. He didn't want her. He deserve a wolf who didn't fuck up her whole life with every turn she took. He deserved a wolf who could give him their whole heart. Rin was gone. He was gone forever. She knew this, and yet still she dreamed of him. Caedwyn didn't deserve that. Having a fling was dangerous. Having a fling would let her fall back into her old ways, a dangerous addiction. She couldn't promise that she could just stop when he realized that he deserved more than her. 

"Caedwyn..." is all she managed to mutter, her paw lifting to brush the backside against his face. "Are you sure this is what you want?" It was the closest thing she could say to reflect the thoughts that raced through her mind, the closest she could mutter to convey the doubt she had about the situation not because of him, but because of her. 
