Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-12-2023, 06:18 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya didn't bother to watch and see if Caedwyn pursued her up the ridge and into the tree line she'd hidden herself in. If she peaked around the base, it was possible that he could see her, predict her, and avoid her playful attack. So, instead, Enya tapped into her Will to use her water element to sense where exactly Caedwyn was at. While it was not quite as accurate as sight, it was accurate enough to tell her that she'd temporarily stumped him. He lingered for a moment and she had to hold back the giggle that wanted to bubble up in her throat. She prepared herself, her tail and rump wiggling to better prepare her position. She then felt him moving towards her. Closer. Closer... 

She broke off the string tied to her Will and focused fully with her sight. He stepped just around the tree and she seized her opportunity. Like the Viper nickname she owned, she struck at her prey. Caedwyn was fast - proven by his reaction to attempt to avoid her - but had not been fast enough. Their two bodies collided as her spring landed true and with swift movement, Enya had pinned Caedwyn beneath her. Unlike her, he didn't seem as interested to escape her grasp. Perhaps it was because she tried to truly pin him down, her scaled belly resting against the fur of his to ensure he didn't pull the same stunt that she had. The two of them panted from the energy of the chase. 

"It seems the hunter has become the hunted... so what are you going to do with your prey now that you've caught me?" Enya hadn't thought that far ahead, so instead of responding right away, she tilted her head in thought, her tongue idly flicking from her muzzle. What was she going to do now? Her weight shifted atop Caedwyn, opting to keep him pinned, but letting him wiggle into a more comfortable lay if he so chose. "Well, normally this is where I finish my prey" She smirked and tilted her gaze downwards at Caedwyn. "But that would probably be unbecoming of the Queen to murder the King." 

The intimacy of the moment, the game of chase, it warmed Enya through and through. She wanted to press her head into his chest, brush her muzzle against his, and perhaps bathe him with affection. She wanted to, but she resisted. She didn't want to ruin this moment the two had experienced together. For so long, their lives had been tense and stressful in one another's presence. Here, at last, was a chance for the two of them to exist together and in peace and harmony. The time they'd spent here in this Realm, it had showed her a different side of Caedwyn she'd never seen before. He was caring. He was ambitious. He was daring and brave. He was playful and cunning. He was (and this was hard for her to admit) a step ahead of her in nearly every situation. He would make a great leader and she would proudly stand beside him. She didn't want to complicate the situation by letting herself fall into the lust she was feeling in the moment. Perhaps old Enya would have, but this Enya didn't want to ruin this something that was happening. 

Enya sighed and let herself brush her muzzle against his - a brief touch of affection - and then rolled off of his belly to lay beside him, staring up at the tree canopy above. Like him, her legs stuck up in the air bent at the knees. The sunlight rays that made it through the canopy made her scales along her underside glint and sparkle - minus the mud that had been caked up inside some of them from their sprint and climb up the ridge. "Thank you, Caedwyn." she spoke softly as she caught her breath from the exercise. "Thank you for giving me a chance. For helping me. For letting me see that there's a possibility for this world to be a home. I don't think I've thanked you for any of that yet, so thank you." She turned her head sideways, tipping her muzzle towards him so if he looked back, they could see eye to eye. 
