Muddy River
A wide ravine where a shallow, gentle river flows. Years of drought and silt deposits have built this area into a fertile delta. The river remains low and dry most of the year, staining its waters brown and creating muddy shores.
The Shape of Dreams
OOC Date: 07-12-2023, 05:04 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/15/2023  in  Muddy River  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

His pounce landed squarely, pushing her down and his tail wagged as he looked to her. "You've caught me." She declared, then giggled. He let out a chuckle, about to think of something witty to say when her body twisted, slipping out from beneath his grasp like a leaf dancing in the wind. She had just as quickly escaped as he'd caught her! "Or have you?" Her words seemed equally a tease as a challenge and he noticed how her tongue came from her mouth. Whether she had meant it or not, it appeared like a childish gesture, like sticking ones tongue out in a "nah nah ha ha!" kind of way. It thoroughly amused him and he laughed. The laughter distracted him just long enough for Enya to dart away once more - this time disappearing up over the bank and out of his line of sight. She left only a teasing yip to lure him after her. And after her he surely went. He scrambled up the tall bank, sending clods of dirt and roots tumbling down into the ravine as he haphazardly ascended to the top of the hill. But when he got to the top, she wasn't there waiting for him.

Or was she? She wasn't immediately within sight, but Caedwyn knew she couldn't have gone too far. He had seen her go this way and there were tracks at the top of the hill indicating she had come this way. He froze, lifting his head high and looking around quickly side to side. His ears strained forward as he tried to listen, to determine if she was running through the brush somewhere leaving him behind. He didn't hear twigs snapping or heavy foot-falls. No, she had to be nearby. But was she lurking? or was she leaving him behind to pursue her? He didn't want to debate for too long and let her get away though. Making his best guess as to where she had gone, he quickly started to move forward again in the direction the tracks had gone - completely unsuspecting and unaware of Enya crouched behind the nearby tree.

He was so unaware that he was caught completely off-guard when she pounced at him. Her timing must have been impeccable, because he was already much too close to her to avoid her and in his desperation to attempt to both duck and side-step, he lost his footing and was swiftly overtaken by her. He rolled to the ground under her weight, feeling her pin him to the ground and he let out a heavy "oomf" as the air was knocked from his chest. He blinked and took a heavy breath as he regained himself, still laying on his back on the ground with his feet sticking somewhat into the air. It was a good ambush, he admitted. It suited their little game and Caedwyn wasn't surprised at her ability to one-up him. He chuckled and relaxed a bit, catching his breath as he allowed himself to continue laying on the ground (and allowing her to keep him pinned if she so wished). A smile came to his face as he tried to observe her face more carefully from this angle.

"It seems the hunter has become the hunted," he jested. "So what are you going to do with your prey now that you've caught me?" What was she going to do? He had been the one pursuing her but now the tables had turned. As much as he enjoyed teasing and toying with her, he kind of enjoyed this side of things. Letting her have her way seemed like quite a bit of fun and he was curious what sort of game she had in mind now that she had him at her mercy.

