All Over Again
OOC Date: 07-12-2023, 02:01 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
Caedwyn was relieved when the other male replied. He listened as the male introduced himself and offered some assistance looking for the deer. Even through his thick accent, Caedwyn detected no hostility. The accent was intriguing to Caedwyn though. It was unfamiliar and though he'd heard a variety of dialects, this one sounded different than one he'd heard before and it made him wonder where this wolf originated from. Caedwyn was far more intrigued with the fact the male said they were not familiar with this area. It implied that they were from here and Caedwyn's lip curled just slightly into a smile as he was pleased with this information. Them not being from around here would make things much simpler. If the pair of them had already staked out a home here, they might have seen Caedwyn as a threat if he came marching in telling them to obey him. But they were outsiders and it gave Caedwyn an advantage.

The female on the other paw, seemed rather reserved and said much less. Where the male had introduced himself, she did not. She simply questioned why a deer would be out in this sort of place. She was definitely intelligent, Caedwyn decided. This place was rather unhospitable to prey, but surely it wasn't completely devoid of animals. But she was right to question what he was doing out here, and whether she had realized Caedwyn's story about the deer was only half truth was yet to be seen. He glanced over to her but for now chose not to answer her question right away and turned back to the male, Gabriel.

"I take it you have just arrived then?" Caedwyn inquired, his tone still light and inviting. "I've heard many who arrive here arrive rather mysteriously. I would be willing to accept your aid, given that you're new here, but I must first alert you that this territory belongs to the pack..." he turned to the female as he was talking and continued, "... even a place such as this has it's uses." His voice came out a bit teasing and he gave the girl a little wink, unable to resist the temptation to see how she would react. He let his gaze linger over her, taking in her simple appearance. Much like himself, she lacked the extravagant mutations that many others had (not that Caedwyn cared one way or the other, it was a simple observation).

"And what of yourself?" he addressed her more directly now. "Surely a lovely creature such as yourself has a name? If we're going to be looking for this deer together, I simply must know what to call you." He smiled a little coy smile as he tried to flirt with her. Hopefully a little flattery would loosen her lips.

