[P] one last time
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 07:45 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/09/2023  in 
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

The summer heat was thick on the lands driving the lanky legged wolf to search for a colder climate to find relief from the heat. After Caedwyn had informed her of the mountains to the north, she'd gone exploring to see just what she could find. There were hunting grounds to be assessed, potential homes to be found, and of course, there were wolves to be met. The encounters with others had gone better than she had anticipated, though not all encounters had been pleasant exchanges. She'd spend a bit more time in the north before she would make her way to once more find Caedwyn and report her trip. If she was going to make a report, she wanted the report to be full of information - she wanted to prove to him that she was trying and succeeding

Her roaming brought her to a peculiar place. She was drawn in and almost entranced by the massive trees that towered far larger than any she'd seen before. That was really saying something considering the places she's been and the worlds she'd seen. If there was ever a place that made her feel small, it was here in the forest. Her long legs carried her at an easy walk through the woods, her ears alert and eyes wide and keeping a lookout for any dangers that may be lurking in the shadows. She was mesmerized by the tall branches that stretched out above, intertwining almost like the roots that grew below her paws. She suddenly found herself wishing that she could be up there in the branches of the trees, stalking along them and looking down on the world beneath her, hopefully oblivious to those who were terrestrial. There was no ill-will in her desire, but she simply wanted to watch and observe the world from a place she could go unnoticed. Alas, Enya was not gifted with any ability to make her way up and into the trees - at least not without a large effort on her part. She could make her water element work in her favor, but without a large source to draw from, she would be pulling from the trees their selves. She didn't want to kill the very things that had made her pause and look up at them awestruck. 

Ah well. She could continue on paw and she did, moving yet further into the forest and admiring the light shafts that fought their way through the canopy of branches and pine needles from the morning sun rays. It nearly felt like there was magic in the air and her body grew more animated at the thought of it. Before she realized, her slow casual awestruck walk had turned into a prancing jog, bounding her way through the underbrush and ferns and caring not what or who heard her. Morning songbirds sang beautiful melodies to wake the diurnal animals. Rodents - squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks - scattered at her presence, but she didn't bother to give chase. This place invigorated her and couldn't find a reason to force herself to feel otherwise. 

Until she suddenly saw another wolf through the underbrush camouflaged with greens and easily hidden by the undergrowth its self. 

Enya's prancing jog slowed to a halt and she stopped to study the wolf, tilting her head this way and that, tail held level with her back and swaying to and fro slightly. Her teal eyes sparkled with interest and she took a slow approach towards the stranger, her eyes shifting from the wolf to the pile of bones at her paws. Bones! Oh, a wolf after her own heart! But... was the wolf trying to eat them? She looked healthy enough at first glance, but hard times fell on everyone eventually. She'd reduced herself to sucking marrow from bones in her past to stay fed when she was hungry. Something was better than nothing when it came to an empty, raging stomach. "If you're hungry, we can find something more filling than bone marrow. I'm happy to help you with a rumbling tummy." Like always, she ignored the common practice of offering up her name to the stranger. Some old habits died hard. 


Table code by Zodiac