[P] Lost in a Daydream
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 04:40 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/03/2023  in  Silver Lake  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 40"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 4 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

"Augh" The large wolf groaned loudly as she awoke and came to. She moved her legs, wiggling her front toes, and sighed a large sigh of relief at the realization that they were just aching and not gone like it felt from the pain. In fact, her entire body ached, like she'd just been involved in some long, drawn out fight. "Oh no!" Sage suddenly shot up, then immediately winced at the motion as her head ached terribly. A light-headedness overcame her and her eyes closed, shielding them from the light. No. She had to force herself to look over her body. If she'd fallen into one of her episodes again... well her wounds wound need patching, and she would need to find the wolf she mutilated and apologize profusely to them and beg for forgiveness. 

Sage forced her eyes open, wincing from the sunlight, and began examining her body, painfully twisting this way and that to review the vital parts of her. Her legs seemed to be in a well enough condition. She didn't see any open wounds on them. Her belly as well seemed unscathed. Her hind legs, her wings, her tail... all body parts seemed accounted for and though sore, were largely uninjured. So, if she hadn't fallen into one of her episodes, then what had happened to her? Why was she aching so badly, and just where was she? 

Her yellow eyes shifted from looking her own figure over to looking about herself. Down the hills and through the trees, Sage could see a large glistening lake in the distance. Uh... ok. That didn't seem familiar to her. She then took the time to examine the forest as a whole, and realized rather quickly that this forest didn't seem familiar either. Had she gone on some wild flight while she was in an episode? Is that what had happened to her? Painfully, Sage stood and sniffed around the area, trying to find any scents that might be familiar to her. There were none. None what-so-ever. Worry was starting to quickly creep into Sage at the realization. Cautiously, the giant wolf stepped through the underbrush of the forest to peer along the massive lake's edge - what she could see of it anyways. A herd of elk were drinking and grazing in the distance. They noticed her but seemed to care little about her presence, plenty far enough away to flee safely should she seem to pose any sort of threat. 

"Where am I?" she asked out loud, but to no one in particular. Her voice quivered as she spoke, revealing her creeping fear and worry. Her eyes continued to take in her surroundings, identifying the types of trees in the forest now behind her - Birch, Oak, Cyprus and Pine - many sorts of trees she could use for wood-work- No. She needed to focus right now on figuring out just where she was at. So, she did what any lost wolf might do in her position. Standing at the edge of the lake, Sage lifted her head and howled, calling out to any who might hear her. She hoped that the wolf who might answer - if any - was not the sort to cause unjust violence.