Cloud Bend
A valley between two mountains with forest and a river. A unique area that fluctuates between various gravity levels, allowing creatures to traverse between the ground and sky. Stars, clouds, and space dust, as well as beautiful trees and flowering plants can be found here
[AW] Brawlstars
OOC Date: Yesterday, 11:17 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/07/2024  in  Cloud Bend  —  
Species Female Spotted Hyena
Build Adult Brawny 36"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 1 Medicine 2
Charisma 2 Perception 2
Constitution 4 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 5
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Urna grunted, the breath leaving her body in a whoosh as Gabriel pushed off of her. He hit a nearby island and rebounded.

Lashing out with her tentacles at smaller obstacles, Urna tried to slow her momentum, but Gabriel caught her around the middle and sent them both flying towards the trees. The curve of his horns pressed into her stomach, and she couldn't find an angle to latch her jaws around the back of his neck. The gashes on her hindquarters burned as they parted open under his claws.

All she could see was red.

All she could smell was her own blood, all she could feel was the blooming reignition of the breath in her chest, coming hard with exertion and being backed to her limit.

All she could remember was what it felt like to be surrounded.

When she came back to herself, Urna hadn't even realized she'd been laughing, high and urgent.

Gravity started to shift, like the world itself was tilting under them. The trees. They were nearly there. Urna threw her paws around Gabe, doubling down on the grapple he'd initiated, and lit herself on fire.

Flames burst from her chest and mouth and danced over the surface of her fur and tentacles. She pulled Gabe tighter, trying to be sure she got a burn on him before her inferno died.

At the same time, she reached back with all four tentacles, casting about for the tree limb she'd first launched from. Blindly, one bumped into something, and the others dove after it to snarl around the bough.

Urna let the slack grow—not too much, she thought distantly, or their combined weight at normal gravity would rip the arms straight from her back. When she judged the moment had come, she pulled as hard as she could, slingshotting their descent into a new arc, steep and down and fast. Stardust flew past them.

When the moment of impact came, she aimed to be on top.


enough offense/defense, we're going all in.
two rolls!

1: STRENGTH to hold Gabriel tight enough to burn for 1 hp. failure = no damage.

2: Also STRENGTH to try and fling them both downwards in a way that'll hurt Gabriel (1 hp) more than it hurts her. failure = not quite enough; they get slowed by branches on the way down and hit the ground at the same time (unless gabriel does something to change that).